New Bauer trainees start with a varied induction program

Schrobenhausen, Germany – It is a special date every year: With a mixture of excitement and anticipation for the new phase of their lives, 38 young people started their training at BAUER AG in Schrobenhausen on September 2, including four apprentices from the new training occupation of agricultural and construction machinery mechatronics technician. This means that almost all training positions have been filled. In total, Bauer is supporting around 100 apprentices throughout Germany on their way into working life. 

The first days of the new trainees were a three-day program full of action. The starting signal was given at the Scherneck Castle high ropes course. There, the new trainees were able to make their first contacts and overcome hurdles together with climbing games, group tasks and games to get to know each other.

On Tuesday, information presentations were on the agenda in Schrobenhausen. The newcomers then toured the plant in Aresing. A special highlight awaits the trainees there every year: they are allowed to try out the drilling rigs for themselves on the company's own training grounds. It was an unforgettable experience that once again delighted everyone. 

The third day consisted of further lectures, a tour of the Edelshausen plant and group work. In small teams, the trainees worked together to develop rules of conduct for everyday working life. They will take the ten most important of these rules with them as a reminder for later use. 

The program for the new trainees is based on modern and interactive formats. The focus is on exchange and practical experience. Training manager Gerhard Piske reports: "The new trainees always like the group work best. They give them the opportunity to contribute their own ideas. Group work is also ideal for getting to know each other. It's important to us that the new trainees feel welcome right from the start." This was achieved again this year, so that the trainees were motivated to start in their respective departments from Thursday. 

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At the beginning of September, 38 young people started their training at BAUER AG.


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